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    Formal Text In The Conference

    Maibaum Ottendichl 2023 > Blog > Formal Text In The Conference


    Formal Text In The Conference

    12. Oktober 2015 | tzwordpress | Blog

    Pentagon revealed this day that ISAF Commander and U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen, is under investigation for inappropriate communication with the woman who should have received threatening e-mails from Paula Broadwell, as CIA chief Petraeus had a relationship.

    Defense Secretary Leon Panetta reported the news to the journalists who were in his flight from Honolulu to Perth in Australia, and said the FBI notified the incident on Sunday.

    The woman Allen in all probability has communicated with, Jill Kelley, is also the woman who notified the FBI about what she perceived as threatening e-mails from Broadwell, and thus led to the investigation that revealed the relationship between Petraeus and Broadwell.

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